Conservative values start at the local and state level. Conservative values start in your home and on your street.

Friday, December 7, 2012

GI Joes on backorder

As a kid,  my first GI Joe was one memorable Christmas gift.  It came with a wooden box which included several weapons and uniform styles.  Another memorable gift was a space astronaut with a moon walking vehicle.  Major Mason or something like that.  I cannot remember the name exactly.
But what I can remember is that being an army man or an astronaut was something to be proud of.
The space program today is underfunded and we face a decade or more of consequences for it.  Will
it effect the number of kids who wish to grow up and enter the science world?
And today we are witnessing yet another  military budget cut,  this one in large magnitude.  What will the consequences be?   Maybe we face a lack of interest in young people seeking a career in the military.  Will we sink so low that our children's children face a military draft in the event of world
conflict?  Events like Benghazi could very well have a tremendous effect.   America doesn't leave GI Joes on the battlefield. 

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