Conservative values start at the local and state level. Conservative values start in your home and on your street.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Does Black History Month work?

Why doesn't Black History month work?  It's an entire month of the public school system promoting the accomplishmnets of black success stories.   Stories of individuals that rose from ordinary life to and made great contributions to America and the world.  These are not stories of community organizing and achieving mediocracy.  Government dependancy is not the message,  but the majority of the black community support democratic policies and big government.   Clarance Thomas,  Condy Rice,  Herman Cain,  and most blacks that support conservative values are constantly attacked. 
It seems most of the black role models are atheletes.  I think that Black History should be about the advancement of black people,  not government and sports.  Perhaps the month would be better served by teaching the ingredients of success rather than a few results.

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