Conservative values start at the local and state level. Conservative values start in your home and on your street.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Found my federal profile

Colonial American                    yes
European origin                        Wales
Father's family own slaves        maybe
Mother's family own slaves      perhaps
Own firearms                            not known
Religion                                    Christian Methodist
Tea Party Member                    not known
Physical Characteristics           Blonde/Blue eyes

Monday, November 26, 2012

GOP softening?

Why is every headline "GOP softens on taxes"  "GOP softens on opposition of ambassodor Rice" 
I think the GOP is falling apart.  John McCain and Lindsey Graham? 
I hope they stick to their guns,  no new taxes period.  Let the president own this mess.  He is calling their bluff. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Lets restrain Hamas, not Israel

The president warns Israel to restrain from further ground attacks into Gaza for the safety of civilians.
Thanks to Iran,  the militants have improved capablilities of firing missles deep into Israel,  terrorizing innocent families. 
Why doesn't the president warn Iran and Hamas? 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Black Friday

I wonder if there will be more people who get out to walmart for black friday,  than did for the election.

Drone down

Did I miss the explanation of our drone being shot down by Iran.  We must have invoked it.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

You can't beat the house

Don't you know,  you can't beat the house in Vegas.  Like Vegas the left has a card for everything.  Today,  the president got a little testy when being asked why ambassador Rice said what she said about Behngazi.  He pulled out the gender card again.  "You can't question her".  They play the card both ways. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Disengaged, the mice will play

When the cat is away,  the mice will play .   Our foreign policy is disengaged from the enemy.  The enemy looks for opportunities to act,  and they obviously got Behngazi correct.   Still no action taken,  and a scandal getting bigger everyday.  Don't you know the enemy is watching this closely.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Govt's unconditional love

Unlike God's master plan,  our government has been creating for its own glory and benefit.
God created ,  not for his own glory,  but to put it forth,  and to communicate it.  God's glory
is unconditional.

Does Black History Month work?

Why doesn't Black History month work?  It's an entire month of the public school system promoting the accomplishmnets of black success stories.   Stories of individuals that rose from ordinary life to and made great contributions to America and the world.  These are not stories of community organizing and achieving mediocracy.  Government dependancy is not the message,  but the majority of the black community support democratic policies and big government.   Clarance Thomas,  Condy Rice,  Herman Cain,  and most blacks that support conservative values are constantly attacked. 
It seems most of the black role models are atheletes.  I think that Black History should be about the advancement of black people,  not government and sports.  Perhaps the month would be better served by teaching the ingredients of success rather than a few results.

Jobs in 2013

Just days after the election,  the president says he wants to bring in civic leaders and business owners to Washington to discuss how to create jobs.  A Job Summit?  Really?  Like we don't know how to create jobs.  Sounds like some more community organizing to me.  The only new jobs we will see in 2013 are ones that meet the approval of the federal govt. 

Planned Parenthood

Just when did planning parenthood come down to an agency located on the corner street?  I thought planning parenthood was a fundamental instinct.  An intelligent gene.  The breakdown of the home,
the breakdown of the neighborhood,  and the breakdown of public school.

Election 2012

Conservative values did not fail,  the campaign failed.  Contact your congressman and let them
know that we expect to stick to the principals.

an advanced military?

Our president said during the presidential debates that our military has advanced.  We just ignored warning signals from our staff at Benghazi and left Americans on the battlefield.  This is not advanced, this is not American,  this is a disgrace.