Conservative values start at the local and state level. Conservative values start in your home and on your street.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Will the real Senate please stand up.

About all we hear from the Senate which is a Democratic majority is Harry Reid.  Harry Reid who refuses to pass a budget which is required by the Constitution.  The House has passed a budget thanks to Paul Ryan.  It has been over three years since the Senate has passed a budget in which our govt is suppose to operate under.   I don't hear Republicans or Democrats standing up to do the right thing.
The president is also required to produce a report when a program such as Medicare is facing collapse.   He also ignores his Constitutional requirements,  which only enables Harry Reid .  
Who are these cowards that hide behind Harry Reid and refuse to speak out against the abuse of executive power.   I think they have a rude awakening coming,  as the American people are not stupid.